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Which is better, Jingke electric screen or IFOR electric screen

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Comparison of basic parameters
Jingke electric screen (80 inch/white plastic/16:9) Parameter item IFOR electric screen (180 inch/white plastic/4:3)
Electric curtain Screen type Electric curtain
White plastic Screen material White plastic
80 inches diagonal one hundred and eighty
16:9 Screen scale 4:3
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Jingke Screen Jinan dealer Jing Xiong 18963067979

Jingke electric screen (119 inch/white plastic/16:9) projection screen has recently been promoted at a special price on the "Shandong Jinan Projector Distribution Platform". The price is negotiable. Good things and good prices are worth starting with! Interested friends can go directly to Shanda Road 1, Lixia District, Jinan City [ read the whole passage ]


Jingke Screen Shandong Wholesaler Promotion Quotation Shandong Jingxiong AV

Jingke Screen, as a leader in the projection field, has won wide recognition in the market for its excellent picture quality and durability. Shandong Jingxiong AV, as a wholesaler of Jingke curtain in Shandong, has always been committed to providing high-quality products and professional services for users. I [ read the whole passage ]

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