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Which is better, Shure E25 or Shure E35

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Shure E25

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advantage: The whole machine is imported, and the slope lifting course is very practical to change the movement range, and the double aluminum alloy slide rail is stable

Disadvantages: The panel display is small and uncomfortable to read.

Schell E35

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Shure E25

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Schell E35

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Rambler e25HD desktop Bluetooth speaker on the shelf: Hi Res double gold certification, list price 1098 yuan

Recently, Rambler launched a new desktop Bluetooth speaker product - e25HD. The design of this speaker is inspired by the lunar eclipse phenomenon, and provides three colors, namely, rosy red, space black, and extreme day white. In terms of configuration, this product is equipped with dual DSP digital [ read the whole passage ]

Rambler e25HD desktop Bluetooth speaker on the shelf: Hi Res double gold certification, list price 1098 yuan

Recently, Rambler launched a new desktop Bluetooth speaker product - e25HD. The design of this speaker is inspired by the lunar eclipse phenomenon, and provides three colors, namely, rosy red, space black, and extreme day white. In terms of configuration, this product is equipped with dual DSP digital [ read the whole passage ]

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