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Which is better, HP 678 (CZ108AA) or HP 46

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Let's comment

HP 678(CZ108AA)

nine point one

Summary: The quality is very good, completely consistent with the description, very satisfied, really like it, completely beyond

HP 46(CZ638AA)

nine point eight

Summary: The ink cartridge was evaluated after being used once. It can be used normally. I hope it is the original ink cartridge and

Who do netizens like better

HP 678(CZ108AA)

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HP 46(CZ638AA)

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16 votes
19 votes
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Must read for purchase

What's the difference between toner cartridge and ink cartridge? Little White Printing Technical Guide

What is the difference between toner cartridge and ink cartridge? This is a problem that many students who have just come into contact with printing equipment are troubled by. Today we are going to write a special article to popularize the consumables of printers, the types of technologies and where they are used [ read the whole passage ]

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