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Which is better, Sandisk Ultra fast CompactFlash memory card (128GB) or Creative Apple MBP seamless embedded expansion card 330 series (128GB)

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advantage: Fast, stable, and can be seamlessly combined with rMBP

Disadvantages: The price is slightly higher

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Comprehensive analysis: three cost-effective 32GB memory cards are preferred in the market to meet your digital storage needs

In the digital era, it is very important for mobile phone users, tachograph enthusiasts and monitoring equipment maintainers to choose an efficient, moderate capacity and widely compatible 32GB TF (MicroSD) memory card. This article will recommend three highly praised options [ read the whole passage ]

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Sandisk E30 Ultra Speed Mobile SSD is a storage device with high cost performance. It uses USB 3.2 interface, with a speed up to 520MB/S, and can quickly backup and transfer large capacity data. In addition, the product is small, portable and strong in fall resistance [ read the whole passage ]

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Since the introduction of iPhone 4 in China, a large number of Apple fans have been gathered in this way. For a long time, Apple phones and iPads have become arcades in first tier cities. At that time, many people couldn't understand why someone [ read the whole passage ]


The difference is 812 yuan! How do you choose to expand your Mac?

Many friends follow the fashion trend and choose the fashionable Apple notebook. Especially in recent years, MacBookAir/Pro is very popular, with the basic capacity of 128GB solid state disk. Indeed, Apple has done quite well in intelligent optimization, especially in [ read the whole passage ]

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