Which is better, Asus Lingyao 14 dual screen or Huawei MateBook X Pro Core Ultra micro velvet collection (Ultra9 185H/32GB/2TB)

E-commerce quotation comparison


Dominant frequency

ASUS Lingyao 14 dual screen (Ultra9 185H/32GB/1TB) (main frequency: temporarily no data, maximum acceleration: 5.1GHz)
HUAWEI MateBook X Pro Core Ultra Micropile Collection (Ultra9 185H/32GB/2TB) (main frequency: no data temporarily, maximum acceleration: 5.1GHz)
0GHz 1GHz 2GHz 3GHz 4GHz 5GHz 6GHz


ASUS Lingyao 14 dual screen (Ultra9 185H/32GB/1TB) (16 cores and 22 threads)
HUAWEI MateBook X Pro Core Ultra Micropile Collection (Ultra9 185H/32GB/2TB) (16 cores, 22 threads)
Dual core Four cores Six cores Eight cores

Graphics card

ASUS Lingyao 14 dual screen (Ultra9 185H/32GB/1TB) Core graphics card
Shared memory capacity
HUAWEI MateBook X Pro Core Ultra Micropile Collection (Ultra9 185H/32GB/2TB) Core graphics card
Shared memory capacity


ASUS Lingyao 14 dual screen (Ultra9 185H/32GB/1TB)
Memory LPDDR5X (low-power version) 7467MHz: 32GB
Hard disk
1TB nothing
HUAWEI MateBook X Pro Core Ultra Micropile Collection (Ultra9 185H/32GB/2TB)
Memory 32GB
Hard disk
2TB nothing


ASUS Lingyao 14 dual screen (Ultra9 185H/32GB/1TB)
None None 14 inches (Unit: mm)

Refresh rate: no data temporarily

Screen resolution: main screen: 2880x1800
Sub screen: 2880x1800

Body thickness: no data available

Weight: no data

HUAWEI MateBook X Pro Core Ultra Micropile Collection (Ultra9 185H/32GB/2TB)
Length 310 wide
two hundred and twenty-two
14.2 in (Unit: mm)

Refresh rate: 1440Hz

Screen resolution: 3120x2080

Body thickness: 13.5mm

Weight: 980g

Endurance comparison

ASUS Lingyao 14 dual screen (Ultra9 185H/32GB/1TB)
No data temporarily

low high

HUAWEI MateBook X Pro Core Ultra Micropile Collection (Ultra9 185H/32GB/2TB)
Depending on the specific use environment

low high

3 hours 6 hours
Low standby Medium standby High standby
3 hours 6 hours
Low standby Medium standby High standby

Word of mouth comparison

ASUS Lingyao 14 dual screen (Ultra9 185H/32GB/1TB): No comments

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HUAWEI MateBook X Pro Core Ultra Micropile Collection (Ultra9 185H/32GB/2TB): 9.9 points

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ASUS Lingyao 14 dual screen (Ultra9 185H/32GB/1TB)
HUAWEI MateBook X Pro Core Ultra Micropile Collection (Ultra9 185H/32GB/2TB)
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ASUS Lingyao 14 dual screen (Ultra9 185H/32GB/1TB)

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