Which is better, Jiaolong 16 Pro of Mechanical Revolution or the Lenovo rescuer R7000 2023

E-commerce quotation comparison


Dominant frequency

Mechanical Revolution Jiaolong 16 Pro (R7 7745HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4060/240HZ 2.5K) (main frequency: temporarily no data, maximum acceleration: 5.1GHz)
Lenovo Saver R7000 2023 (R7 7735H/16GB/512GB/RTX4060) (main frequency: 3.2GHz, maximum acceleration: 4.75GHz)
0GHz 1GHz 2GHz 3GHz 4GHz 5GHz 6GHz


Mechanical Revolution Jiaolong 16 Pro (R7 7745HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4060/240HZ 2.5K) (eight cores and sixteen threads)
Lenovo Saver R7000 2023 (R7 7735H/16GB/512GB/RTX4060) (eight cores and sixteen threads)
Dual core Four cores Six cores Eight cores

Graphics card

Mechanical Revolution Jiaolong 16 Pro (R7 7745HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4060/240HZ 2.5K) Fever independent graphics card NVIDIA Geforce RTX4060
Lenovo Saver R7000 2023 (R7 7735H/16GB/512GB/RTX4060) Fever independent graphics card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060


Mechanical Revolution Jiaolong 16 Pro (R7 7745HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4060/240HZ 2.5K)
Memory DDR5 4800MHz:16GB
Hard disk
1TB nothing
Lenovo Saver R7000 2023 (R7 7735H/16GB/512GB/RTX4060)
Memory DDR5 5600MHz:16GB(8GB×2)
Hard disk
1TB nothing


Mechanical Revolution Jiaolong 16 Pro (R7 7745HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4060/240HZ 2.5K)
Length 355.2 wide
two hundred and seventy-six point eight
16 inches (Unit: mm)

Screen resolution: 2560x1600

Body thickness: 26.4mm

Weight: 2.55Kg

Lenovo Saver R7000 2023 (R7 7735H/16GB/512GB/RTX4060)
358.8 long wide
two hundred and sixty-two point three five
16 inches (Unit: mm)

Screen resolution: 2560x1440

Body thickness: 24.1mm

Weight: no data

Endurance comparison

Mechanical Revolution Jiaolong 16 Pro (R7 7745HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4060/240HZ 2.5K)
No data temporarily

low high

Lenovo Saver R7000 2023 (R7 7735H/16GB/512GB/RTX4060)
Depending on the specific use environment

low high

3 hours 6 hours
Low standby Medium standby High standby
3 hours 6 hours
Low standby Medium standby High standby

Word of mouth comparison

Mechanical Revolution Jiaolong 16 Pro (R7 7745HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4060/240HZ 2.5K): 9.8 points

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Lenovo Saver R7000 2023 (R7 7735H/16GB/512GB/RTX4060): 9.9 points

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Mechanical Revolution Jiaolong 16 Pro (R7 7745HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4060/240HZ 2.5K)
Lenovo Saver R7000 2023 (R7 7735H/16GB/512GB/RTX4060)
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Game users

Mechanical Revolution Jiaolong 16 Pro (R7 7745HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4060/240HZ 2.5K)

Lenovo Saver R7000 2023 (R7 7735H/16GB/512GB/RTX4060)

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