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Which is better, Lenovo Aircross 510S 2023 (i5 13400/16GB/1TB/Integrated Display/21.45 inch) or Lenovo Yangtian M4000q 2023 (i5 13400/16GB/1TB/Integrated Display/23 inch)

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Lenovo Aircross 510S 2023 (i5 13400/16GB/1TB/Integrated Display/21.45 inch) Parameter item Lenovo Yangtian M4000q 2023 (i5 13400/16GB/1TB/integrated display/23 inch)
Intel Core i5 13 Series CPU series Intel Core i5 13 Series
Ten cores/sixteen threads Number of cores/threads 10 cores/16 threads
Business computer product type Business computer
vertical Chassis type vertical
DDR4 3200MHz Memory type DDR4 3200MHz
---- Hard disk capacity ----
integrated graphics Graphics card type integrated graphics
Shared memory capacity Memory capacity Shared memory capacity
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Lenovo Aircross 510S 2023 desktop computer sold well in Jiangsu

Lenovo Aircross 510S 2023 desktop computer has recently been on sale at the store "Nanjing Jucai Electronic Technology". The price is negotiable. Good things and good prices are worth starting with! The highlight of Lenovo Aircross 510S 2023 product is the 13th generation Intel Core i5 [ read the whole passage ]

Lenovo Aircross 510S 2023 Anhui price negotiation

Lenovo Aircross 510S 2023 desktop computer was recently promoted at a special price in the "Hefei Xing'an Commerce and Trade (Broadway Store)". The price is negotiable. Good things and good prices are worth starting! Lenovo Aircross 510S 2023 product highlights the 13th generation Intel Core [ read the whole passage ]

[Slow hands] Lenovo Yangtian M4000q commercial office computer only sold for 3989 yuan, and Core i5+reduced 3989 yuan

This Lenovo Yangtian M4000q commercial desktop is equipped with the latest 13 generation Core i5 processor and core graphics card, which can easily handle office tasks. It has 16GB memory and 1TB SSD hard disk, which can provide enough storage space and fast [ read the whole passage ]

Five best choices: annual best desktop recommendation!

With the continuous improvement of efficiency requirements in modern society, more and more people are inclined to buy powerful desktop computers to improve office efficiency. In this context, we have selected five popular desktop computers for your reference. First, Lenovo Xiaoxin [ read the whole passage ]

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