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Which is better, Lenovo Qitian M650 or Machinist Future Battleship III 13th Generation Core (i5 13400/16GB/512GB/RTX3060 12G)

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Lenovo Qitian M650 (i5 12500/8GB/1TB/Integrated Display) Parameter item Machinist Future Warship III 13th Generation Core (i5 13400/16GB/512GB/RTX3060 12G)
Intel Core i5 12 Series CPU series Intel Core i5 13 Series
Six cores/twelve threads Number of cores/threads 10 cores/16 threads
Business computer product type Game computer
vertical Chassis type vertical
DDR4 3200MHz Memory type DDR4 3200MHz
---- Hard disk capacity ----
integrated graphics Graphics card type Fever independent graphics card
Shared memory capacity Memory capacity 12GB
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