The ultimate version of Glory Magic4 is better than Apple iPhone 15 Pro

E-commerce quotation comparison

Performance comparison


CPU model:

CPU series model refers to that CPU manufacturers will determine a series model for CPU products belonging to the same series according to the market positioning of CPU products to facilitate differentiation and management. Generally speaking, the series model can be said to be an important identification for distinguishing CPU performance

The higher the score of Anthare test, the more perfect the operation of large games View the performance ladder diagram>

Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen1

CPU frequency

3.0GHz X2*1+2.5GHz A710*3+1.8GHz A510*4

Apple A17 Pro
Transportation and storage

Different RAM has different ability and fluency to run large software View the inventory ranking (3DMark)>

Glory Magic4 Ultimate (12GB/512GB)

Below 4G

Large software operation is stuck


Large software runs smoothly

Above 8G

Large software runs very fast


Apple iPhone 15 Pro (128GB)

Below 4G

Large software operation is stuck


Large software runs smoothly

Above 8G

Large software runs very fast

Screen contrast

Screen proportion:

Represents the relative ratio of the screen area to the front panel area of the phone.

Pixel density:

This represents the number of pixels per inch. Therefore, the higher the PPI value, the higher the density of the display screen. Of course, the higher the display density, the higher the fidelity.

View Appearance>
6.81 in Screen size Typing with both hands 93.5% Screen proportion Full screen 460ppi Pixel density The greater the density, the richer the details
View Appearance>
6.1 in Screen size Typing with both hands Screen proportion 460ppi Pixel density The greater the density, the richer the details

Camera comparison

front camera

12 megapixel
Low pixel


Medium pixel


High pixel

(More than 12 million)

12 megapixel
Low pixel


Medium pixel


High pixel

(More than 12 million)

Rear camera

50 megapixel

High pixel

48 megapixel

High pixel

Sample comparison

Recommended population

 Game users

Game users

 Business users

Business users

Glory Magic4 Ultimate (12GB/512GB)

 Female users

Female users

 Comprehensive performance

Comprehensive performance

Glory Magic4 Ultimate (12GB/512GB)

Word of mouth comparison

Glory Magic4 Ultimate (12GB/512GB): 9.6 points
Defeat 92.25% mobile phones 199 people participated in the review>
Apple iPhone 15 Pro (128GB): 9.3 points
Defeat 90.33% mobile phones 2072 people participated in comments>

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Glory Magic4 Ultimate (12GB/512GB)
Apple iPhone 15 Pro (128GB)
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