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Which is better, Lenovo F1-C06 or BYZ R28

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Lenovo F1-C06

nine point nine

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Biaz R28

nine point nine

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Lenovo F1-C06

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Biaz R28

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What are the needs of notebook users? Docking station you may really need

Nowadays, a laptop has become the main productivity of many migrant workers, and many of them will choose a slim notebook, which is portable and suitable for daily office use. However, compared with the game book, the interface types of the thin and light books are limited. So in many offices [ read the whole passage ]

[Slow hands] Lenovo student headset 69 yuan!

This dual ear headphone for Lenovo students with abilities is a very practical learning and office headset. It adopts wired design to ensure the stability and clarity of audio transmission. At the same time, the product is also equipped with a microphone, which can be used for online meetings, calls, etc [ read the whole passage ]

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