Which is better, Apple MacBook Air 13.3 2020 or Xiaomi laptop Pro 14 2021

E-commerce quotation comparison


Dominant frequency

Apple MacBook Air 13.3 2020 (MWTJ2CH/A) (main frequency: no data temporarily, maximum acceleration: 3.2GHz)
Xiaomi notebook Pro 14 2021 model (i5 11300H/16GB/512GB/MX450) (main frequency: 3.1GHz, maximum acceleration: 4.4GHz)
0GHz 1GHz 2GHz 3GHz 4GHz 5GHz 6GHz


Apple MacBook Air 13.3 2020 (MWTJ2CH/A) (no data)
Xiaomi notebook Pro 14 2021 model (i5 11300H/16GB/512GB/MX450) (four cores and eight threads)
Dual core Four cores Six cores Eight cores

Graphics card

Apple MacBook Air 13.3 2020 (MWTJ2CH/A) Core graphics card Intel Iris Plus Graphics
Shared memory capacity
Xiaomi notebook Pro 14 2021 model (i5 11300H/16GB/512GB/MX450) Performance grade independent graphics card NVIDIA GeForce MX450


Apple MacBook Air 13.3 2020 (MWTJ2CH/A)
Memory LPDDR4X (low-power version) 3733MHz: 8GB (8GB × 1)
Hard disk
256GB nothing
Xiaomi notebook Pro 14 2021 model (i5 11300H/16GB/512GB/MX450)
Memory DDR4 3200MHz:16GB(8GB×2)
Hard disk
512GB nothing


Apple MacBook Air 13.3 2020 (MWTJ2CH/A)
Length 304.1 wide
two hundred and twelve point four
13.3 inches (Unit: mm)

Screen resolution: 2560x1600

Body thickness: 16.1mm

Weight: 1.29Kg

Xiaomi notebook Pro 14 2021 model (i5 11300H/16GB/512GB/MX450)
Length 315.6 wide
two hundred and twenty point four
14 inches (Unit: mm)

Screen resolution: 2560x1440

Body thickness: 15.9mm

Weight: 1.5Kg

Endurance comparison

Apple MacBook Air 13.3 2020 (MWTJ2CH/A)
Depending on the specific use environment

low high

Xiaomi notebook Pro 14 2021 model (i5 11300H/16GB/512GB/MX450)
Local 1080p video playback up to 11 hours

low high

3 hours 6 hours
Low standby Medium standby High standby
3 hours 6 hours
Low standby Medium standby High standby
The endurance beat 38% of notebooks of the same type

Word of mouth comparison

Apple MacBook Air 13.3 2020 (MWTJ2CH/A): 9.5 points
Xiaomi notebook Pro 14 2021 model (i5 11300H/16GB/512GB/MX450): 8.7 points

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Apple MacBook Air 13.3 2020 (MWTJ2CH/A)
Xiaomi notebook Pro 14 2021 model (i5 11300H/16GB/512GB/MX450)
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Xiaomi notebook Pro 14 2021 model (i5 11300H/16GB/512GB/MX450)

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Apple MacBook Air 13.3 2020 (MWTJ2CH/A)

Xiaomi notebook Pro 14 2021 model (i5 11300H/16GB/512GB/MX450)

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