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Which is better, Huawei Tablet M6 or Huawei MatePad 11 (8GB/128GB/WLAN)

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Comparison of basic parameters
Huawei flat plate M6 8.4 inches (4GB/64GB/WiFi) Parameter item Huawei MatePad 11 (8GB/128GB/WLAN)
8.4 inches size 10.95 in
2560x1600 resolving power 2560x1600
---- Referral equipment ----
---- Dominant frequency 2.84Ghz A77*1+2.42GHz A77*3+1.8GHz A55*4
Eight cores Number of cores Eight cores
Hisense Kirin 980 Processor model Qualcomm Snapdragon 865
4GB system memory 8GB
64GB storage capacity 128GB
---- storage medium UFS3.0
Lithium polymer battery Battery capacity Lithium polymer battery, 7250 mA
Theoretical standby time: 600 hours Charging time: about 2.2 hours Video Plays >> Endurance 12 hour endurance
---- The power adapter Support 22.5W wired fast charging
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nine point eight
nine point two
nine point eight
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