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Which is better, Intel Core i5 9500F or Intel Core i9 14

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Comparison of basic parameters
Intel Core i5 9500F Parameter item Intel Core i9 14900K
Desktop Applicable type Desktop
Core i5 9 series CPU series Core i9 14 series
---- CPU architecture ----
3GHz CPU main frequency 3GHz
---- Dynamic acceleration frequency ----
4.4GHz Highest Rui frequency 6GHz
9MB L3 cache 36MB
---- Slot type LGA 1700
37.5×37.5mm Package size 45×37.5mm
Six cores Number of cores 24 Core
Six threads Number of threads 32 threads
65W Thermal Design Power (TDP) 125W
Who is cheaper
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seven point two
seven point six
eight point six
eight point six
cost performance function work appearance
five point eight
seven point eight
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Intel Core i5 9500F

eight point nine

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Intel Core i9 14900K

nine point eight

advantage: Performance Ceiling

Disadvantages: Cost performance ratio is absurdly low for civilians

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Easy delivery to 5.0GHz Intel Core i5 9600K is here

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I7-14790F/i5-14490F performance evaluation: special processor platform with excellent physique

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Who has better cost performance ratio for dual 11 savers? Sharp Dragon 7 7800X3D vs Core i9 14900K

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