Which is better, ThinkPad T490 or ASUS Tianxuan 5 Pro

E-commerce quotation comparison


Dominant frequency

ThinkPad T490 (20N2A004CD) (main frequency: 1.6GHz, maximum acceleration: 3.9GHz)
ASUS Tianxuan 5 Pro (i9 14900HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4070) (main frequency: temporarily no data, maximum acceleration: 5.8GHz)
0GHz 1GHz 2GHz 3GHz 4GHz 5GHz 6GHz


ThinkPad T490 (20N2A004CD) (four cores and eight threads)
ASUS Tianxuan 5 Pro (i9 14900HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4070) (no data temporarily)
Dual core Four cores Six cores Eight cores

Graphics card

ThinkPad T490(20N2A004CD) Performance grade independent graphics card NVIDIA Geforce MX250
ASUS Tianxuan 5 Pro (i9 14900HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4070) Fever independent graphics card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070


ThinkPad T490(20N2A004CD)
Memory DDR4 2400MHz:8GB
Hard disk
256GB nothing
ASUS Tianxuan 5 Pro (i9 14900HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4070)
Memory DDR5 5600MHz:16GB
Hard disk
1TB nothing


ThinkPad T490(20N2A004CD)
329 long wide
two hundred and twenty-five point eight
14 inches (Unit: mm)

Screen resolution: 2560x1440

Body thickness: 18.9mm

Weight: 1.46Kg

ASUS Tianxuan 5 Pro (i9 14900HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4070)
355 long wide
two hundred and fifty-two
16 inches (Unit: mm)

Screen resolution: 2560x1600

Body thickness: 22.1mm

Weight: 2.27Kg

Endurance comparison

ThinkPad T490(20N2A004CD)
Depending on the specific use environment

low high

ASUS Tianxuan 5 Pro (i9 14900HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4070)
No data temporarily

low high

3 hours 6 hours
Low standby Medium standby High standby
3 hours 6 hours
Low standby Medium standby High standby

Word of mouth comparison

ThinkPad T490(20N2A004CD): 9.0 points
ASUS Tianxuan 5 Pro (i9 14900HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4070): 10.0 points

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ThinkPad T490(20N2A004CD)
ASUS Tianxuan 5 Pro (i9 14900HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4070)
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ASUS Tianxuan 5 Pro (i9 14900HX/16GB/1TB/RTX4070)

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ThinkPad T490(20N2A004CD)

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Must read for purchase

ThinkPad T490 premiere evaluation: all-around warrior for lightweight, high-energy and safe professional users

The quality of ThinkPad business notebook is widely praised in the industry. It is not easy to maintain its leading position in the highly competitive high-end business notebook market. The heritage left by years of brand accumulation is a magic weapon for ThinkPad to win. [ read the whole passage ]


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