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Which is better, Sony A6400 or Canon EOS R50

E-commerce quotation comparison

Sensor comparison

The larger the sensor size, the better the image quality


1/2.3 inch

1 inch



Sony A6400 (stand-alone): APS-C frame (23.5 * 15.6mm)
Canon EOS R50 (single fuselage): APS-C frame (22.3 * 14.9mm)

Full frame

Medium frame

Entry level sensor
Main flow sensor
High level sensor

Effective pixel ratio

Pixel is not equal to picture quality. The higher the pixel, the larger the output image size

Continuous shooting comparison

The faster the continuous shooting speed, the stronger the dynamic capture ability

Sony A6400 (stand-alone): 11 pieces per second
The continuous shooting effect is excellent, beating 23.61% of cameras of the same type
Canon EOS R50 (single body): 15 pieces per second
The continuous shooting effect is excellent, beating 23.98% of cameras of the same type

Video effect comparison

The higher the resolution, the clearer the video

Sony A6400 (stand-alone): 4K UHD video (2160)
Canon EOS R50 (single body): 4K UHD video (2160)
 Video effects


 Video effects


 Video effects


 Video effects


Endurance comparison

The data is the number of photos with the longest endurance. The number of photos will vary in different environments

Appearance comparison

The larger the screen size, the better the viewing effect

Sony A6400 (stand-alone) View the real picture>

About 359g, rotary screen, WiFi, NFC

120 long


60 thick

No data temporarily

(Unit: mm)
Canon EOS R50 (single machine) View the real picture>

About 492g (including battery and memory card), 3-inch, TFT, WiFi, Bluetooth

Length 122.5

eighty-seven point eight

83.4 thick

3 inches

(Unit: mm)

Word of mouth comparison

Sony A6400 (stand-alone): 8.9 points
Defeat 80.55% digital camera 1335 people participated in comments>

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Canon EOS R50 (single body): 9.8 points
Defeat 94.6% digital cameras 209 people participated in comments>
Sony A6400 (stand-alone)
Canon EOS R50 (single machine)
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Sony A6400 (stand-alone)

Canon EOS R50 (single machine)

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Recommended comparison

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