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Which is better, Dell Chengming 3980MT or Lenovo Qitian M425 (i5 8500/4GB/1TB/Integrated Display/21.5LCD)

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Comparison of basic parameters
Dell Chengming 3980MT (i5 8500/4GB/1TB/Integrated Display) Parameter item Lenovo Qitian M425 (i5 8500/4GB/1TB/Integrated Display/21.5LCD)
Intel Core i5 Generation 8 Series CPU series Intel Core i5 Generation 8 Series
Six cores/six threads Number of cores/threads Six cores/six threads
Business computer product type Business computer
Micro tower Chassis type vertical
DDR4 2666MHz Memory type DDR4
1TB Hard disk capacity 1TB
integrated graphics Graphics card type integrated graphics
Shared memory capacity Memory capacity Shared memory capacity
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Summary: A lot of machines don't have the equipment to connect to COM port. This one has COM port and VGA

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