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Which is better, Shurlang G90S or Xiaodu G16 Pro

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Comparison of basic parameters
Duyulang G90S Parameter item Small G16 Pro
10.1 inches size 10.1 inches
1280*800 resolving power 1920*1200
---- Referral equipment ----
---- Dominant frequency ----
---- Number of cores ----
Qualcomm Snapdragon 64 bit processor Processor model CPU: 8 cores
ROM:32GB system memory ROM:256GB-RAM:6GB
---- storage capacity ----
---- storage medium ----
---- Battery capacity Battery capacity: 7000mAh
---- Endurance ----
---- The power adapter ----
Who is cheaper
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Duyulang G90S

seven point one

advantage: The bookman shopping guide is very good at saying that the price is much higher than the price, the function is much higher than the price, and the information is much better than the price

Disadvantages: After real comparison, I still bought Bubugao. After all, it is for children. Learning resources are the first choice

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Duyulang G90S

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Small G16 Pro

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16 votes
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