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Which is better, Shenniu TT600 or Shenniu TT350

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Comparison of basic parameters
Shenniu TT600 Parameter item Shenniu TT350
Set top flash Flash type Set top flash
---- electronic structure ----
---- Flash time 1/350s~1/2000s
---- Flash index 36(m ISO 100)
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Shenniu TT600

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Shenniu TT350

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Shenniu TT600

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Shenniu TT350

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14 votes
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Shenniu's new camera flash: 460 consecutive flashes, easy to deal with various shooting scenes

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350mAh lithium battery! Shenniu Launches Lux ELF Retro Flash

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High appearance and practical Shiniu LUX CADET set-top flash hit

Recently, the Lux CADET retro set-top flash launched by Shenniu has begun to be sold in third-party stores at a price of 568 yuan. Inspired by the retro style, this flash combines the practical functions of modern technology to meet the daily needs [ read the whole passage ]

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