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Which is better, Zhimi intelligent toilet cover or Panasonic DL-1310CWS

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nine point three
nine point three
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Zhimi Smart Toilet Lid

eight point one

Summary: There are many excellent products in Mijia's camp, and intelligent toilet lid is one of them

Panasonic DL-1310CWS

nine point eight

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Must read for purchase

How to view the 999 yuan smart toilet lid?

On August 10, 2017, the Xiaomi ecological chain company Zhimi Technology held a new product launch, and two new products were released at the same time: Zhimi full DC variable frequency air conditioner with a price of RMB 4399 and Zhimi smart toilet lid with a price of RMB 999. Compared with air conditioners whose prices are not attractive, 9 [ read the whole passage ]

[Slow hand without] Panasonic Panasonic alcohol air conditioner J13AKR10G, a new level of energy efficiency wall mounted air conditioner, 1.5pcs, 5398 yuan

Panasonic Panasonic J13AKR10G new level energy efficient wall mounted air conditioner is 1.5 pieces, and the price will drop again! The discount price of this air conditioner is 5398 yuan after using the coupon of 2000 yuan minus 200 yuan. Panasonic Quality Assurance [ read the whole passage ]

[Slow hands] Panasonic J13KR10 wall mounted air conditioner is at a special price of 4808 yuan! Efficient and energy efficient intelligent control

This Panasonic J13KR10 wall mounted air conditioner is a new energy efficient and efficient product. It has intelligent temperature control function, which can automatically adjust the indoor temperature according to your needs, so that you can enjoy a comfortable indoor environment. In addition, it has a mute design, namely [ read the whole passage ]

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