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Which is better, Lenovo Qitian M415 vs. HP 99 Pro G1 MT (i7 9700/8GB/1TB/2G unique)

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Lenovo Qitian M415 (i5 7500/8GB/128GB+1TB/2G unique) Parameter item HP Battle 99 Pro G1 MT (i7 9700/8GB/1TB/2G Unique)
Intel Core i5 Generation 7 Series CPU series Intel Core i7 9 Series
Four cores/four threads Number of cores/threads Eight cores/eight threads
Business computer product type Business computer
vertical Chassis type Fiber small, 15L
DDR4 Memory type DDR4 2666MHz
128GB+1TB Hard disk capacity 1TB
Entry level independent graphics card Graphics card type Entry level independent graphics card
2GB Memory capacity 2GB
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Summary: The small and exquisite host does not occupy any space. It is very good to use. It is used to make Kingdee servers

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