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Which is better, the Western Data Blue Disk 4TB 5400 to 64M SATA3 (40EZRZ) or the Western Data Purple Disk

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Western Data Blue Disk 4TB 5400 to 64M SATA3 (WD40EZRZ) Parameter item Western Data Purple Disk 4TB 64MB SATA3 (WD40PURX)
Desktop Applicable type Desktop
3.5 inches Hard disk size 3.5 inches
4000GB Hard disk capacity 4000GB
1000GB Single disc capacity 1000GB
64MB cache 64MB
5400rpm speed 5400rpm
SATA3.0 Interface type SATA3.0
6Gb/s Interface rate 6Gb/s
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DIY tip: Why is the mechanical hard disk not eliminated?

Nowadays, most high-end game consoles, entry-level slim notebooks or office consoles are equipped with SSD solid state drives. Mechanical hard disks are seen less and less, but this does not mean that mechanical hard disks have been eliminated, although they are much slower than solid state disks in speed [ read the whole passage ]

The 10000 yuan internal storage machine is the performance ceiling

At present, NVIDIA's latest RTX 4070 has been released, and 3A game players can finally get a host of this generation of products within 10000 yuan. The following configuration budget is 10000 yuan, but the configuration can be appropriately reduced to meet their own needs [ read the whole passage ]

[Slow manual operation] Western Data (WD) purple disk 4TB 7200 to 256MB SATA3 hard disk drives greatly increased the price by 579 yuan

At present, the West Data Purple Disk 4TB mechanical hard disk on JD is holding a promotional event, and the price is only 579 yuan, which is a good price in the near future. The original price of this hard disk is 599 yuan, but now you can enjoy a preferential price if you buy it. This western data purple disk is a [ read the whole passage ]

[Slow hands] Western Data (WD) purple disc 8TB super value discount!

This Western Digital purple disk monitoring hard disk has a huge capacity of 8TB, which can meet your data storage needs. SATA 6Gb/s interface is adopted, with transmission rate up to 600MB/s, performance table [ read the whole passage ]

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