HEXGEARS (Black Canyon)

Product line: keyboard mouse Mouse pad

Website: http://www.hexgears.com

Telephone: 400-069-3168

Company Profile

HEXGEARS is a global consumer electronics company, focusing on the construction and layout of the PC and mobile peripheral equipment industry chain, including the R&D, production and sales of high-end peripheral products, as well as the development and introduction of software, and is committed to providing customers with timely, efficient and high-quality intelligent solutions. The headquarters of Black Canyon is located in Dongguan, the famous "world factory", and its R&D base is located in California, USA. We believe in "performance first" and invest heavily in research and development to create high-quality products for elite players. At present, Heixia [More]

  • Ranking of new keyboard products
  • Ranking of new mouse products
  • Ranking of new mouse pads
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Main business

after-sale service

  • warranty policy

    National joint insurance, enjoying three guarantees service