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ask If you want to change a watch, which is better, oppo watch or Huawei gt2?
The opo watch can make phone calls, flash charge and ECG monitoring, and also supports 16 exercise modes; Meizu watch also has rich functions, but there is no ECG monitoring, and there are three less sports modes than OPPO's. It is recommended to choose according to your own conditions Details>>
ask Is it necessary to buy an Apple Watch?
Is it necessary to purchase Apple Watch? I think this tangle comes from the mediocre endurance of Apple Watch, the poor software and the high price. To be honest, if not produced by Apple, any of these three shortcomings would be enough to make this problem unnecessary, including for myself, if not developing software Details>>
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Main business

after-sale service

  • warranty policy

    National joint insurance, enjoying three guarantees service

  • customer service telephone numbers


  • Phone notes

    This hotline should be charged according to the local standard

  • Details

    From the date of purchase (subject to the purchase invoice), if there is a quality problem or failure, you can return the goods within 7 days, replace the goods within 30 days, and enjoy free warranty and other three guarantee services within the warranty period with the quality inspection certificate of the manufacturer's maintenance center or special maintenance point! Note: Users who purchase mobile phone accessories separately, please keep the outer packaging of the accessories and the original invoice intact. If they cannot provide the above vouchers, they will not be able to carry out normal parts warranty or replacement. Enter the official website>>