Kangbao XDZ500A4

configuration parameter

  • Capacity: 100L

    Power: 1200W

  • Drying method: No data temporarily

    Sterilization method: ozone

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Must read for purchase

 The kitchen products that are obsolete in the era will suffer losses if they are bought

The kitchen products that are obsolete in the era will suffer losses if they are bought

I saw a joke before: a smuggler who just got out of prison asked his closest friend to run into the mountains. He refused to talk too much all the way, but only said that he would bring his friend to make a fortune. After digging a big wooden box, he looked up to the sky and laughed, and finally opened a box full of BB machines. In fact, there are many similar things, and many household appliances have also experienced the same kind of [ read the whole passage ]

2024-06-11 05:55:01

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