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Comparison of pictures of Wuji Shangzhi i5 and Climbing IPASON quotient and S1 (i5 13400/16GB/512GB)

The parameters are only for reference, and the products are subject to the local actual sales.

Product model
Wuji Shangzhi i5 10400/intel UHD630 core graphics card/240GB/8GB
    Climber and S1 (i5 13400/16GB/512GB)
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          Please select the model
            Product model
             Wuji Shangzhi i5 10400/intel UHD630 core graphics card/240GB/8GB
             Climber and S1 (i5 13400/16GB/512GB)
            Wuji Shangzhi i5 10400/intel UHD630 core graphics card/240GB/8GB
              Climber and S1 (i5 13400/16GB/512GB)
                Please select the model
                  Please select a brand
                    Please select the model
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