Xiaomi Note (Goddess Version/Double 4G) Comments

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seven point six
  • cost performance eight
  • Performance Configuration eight
  • Battery life six
  • Appearance and feel eight
  • Photo effect eight
  • Screen effect eight

Just one step from perfection

Most satisfied

This is the most beautiful Xiaomi, or even the most beautiful of its own brands. Moreover, HIFI with a certain sound quality is still a mainstream hardware configuration, and the price is reasonable.

Most dissatisfied

The top configuration version is still far away. The protective measures for the front and back glass are not enough, and the size is slightly larger. The system process level is still not comparable to IOS, and it is still difficult to purchase.


In general, the Xiaomi Note is a cost-effective model that can keep up with the mainstream of the market in design.

7 comments 990 likes Published on: April 6, 2015