Comments on Lenovo Lemon K3 (K30-W/Unicom 4G)

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seven point four
  • cost performance eight
  • Performance Configuration six
  • Battery life ten
  • Appearance and feel ten
  • Photo effect six
  • Screen effect four

The cost performance of Lemon K3 is OK

Most satisfied

It feels good. The body is relatively light, and the battery is fairly durable. Charging is not too long for me. In fact, the ROM is only 12G (enough).

Most dissatisfied

The white ones are easy to get dirty, the ring tones are small, and the call quality is average; There are a lot of built-in software, some of which have been uninstalled, and some of which need to be root (those without obsessive-compulsive disorder can not be uninstalled for the time being), which has not been cleared up yet; RAM is 1G, and there is about 500mb left after startup. After running for a period of time, it is between 200-300mb. At least, it is about 100mb, which is not a card (it is estimated that there is no software installed). The second card of the network can only be 2G network (both of my cards are mobile), and the Unicom card has not been tried; The screen contact is not very smart (depressed), and the separation rate is a little poor; The quality of the photo is average, and the noise is obvious at night. One of the photos was taken when taking a car, which is fairly good. In general, the pixels are average, which is suitable; Lenovo's system does not attract me as the miui system (I am considering whether to use miui);


Generally speaking, this model is suitable for new entrants, considering the low price and the parents' generation. It is not recommended for those who have high requirements and play with computers.
Hopes 2G RAM can be produced.

2 comments 8 likes Published on: February 4, 2015