Comments on Kubi Halo (H2/Mobile 4G)

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  • cost performance eight
  • Performance Configuration ten
  • Battery life eight
  • Appearance and feel ten
  • Photo effect ten
  • Screen effect eight

Another masterpiece of Kubi mobile phone

Most satisfied

The 64 bit processor is a highlight, and the memory has also reached the current mainstream 2G memory of mobile phones; I also think the appearance is very good. I think it's very trendy.

Most dissatisfied

The battery capacity is slightly lower. If the resolution can reach 1080P, it will be more perfect.


The workmanship of the Kubi mobile phone has always been trusted. Like the previous max3, the workmanship can be comparable to that of the 5s. This mobile phone is definitely a good choice if it doesn't compete with the cost performance.

3 comments 50 likes Published on: 2014-12-01