Comments on Canon 6D Mark II (single machine)

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seven point four
  • cost performance eight
  • Manual control six
  • Battery performance six
  • Screen effect eight
  • Imaging effect ten
  • Product workmanship six

Canon 6D2 hopes to improve the focusing system, which is expected

Most satisfied

The current time is February 2015. Canon 6D2 has not been listed yet, and there is no data online. Its positioning must be higher than 6D, but lower than the current 5D3. As an equipment party, I bought 4 SLRs myself. I boldly predict the parameters of Canon 6D2. Please don't spray them.

Canon 6D2 parameters (my prediction): full frame, engineering plastic body, 22 million pixels, image processor DIGIC6+, 39 points of focus (19 crosses of focus), the fastest time is 4000 minutes and 1 second. It is estimated that the price for the first time on the market is about 13000.

Most dissatisfied

6D is a good machine. It's just that 11 focal points are painful, and only the center is the cross focal point. Some people even say that 6D focusing is not as good as 9 o'clock focusing of Invincible Rabbit. (5D2 heard that three focus points are hidden)


I bought the 6D, its high feeling surprised me, and its focus made me very depressed. As long as the 6D2 is upgraded to the focus above 39 o'clock, I will buy it.

14 comments 125 likes Published on: February 12, 2015