Comments on Huaqing Z97 Memorial Edition

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  • Scalability four
  • BIOS Software two
  • Performance two
  • Product workmanship two

Don't buy overclock players!!!!!

Most satisfied

Fairly good appearance

Most dissatisfied

Do not buy those who want to overclock!!!!!!! I used ASUS Z87K with 4690k and stable 4.5G. I thought this motherboard would be better if it had four more phases of power supply. Who knows if the power supply exceeds 4.2G, it will not work if the power supply exceeds 4.2G. After starting up, the black screen will be repeatedly started for about ten times to succeed once!!! In addition, the needle seat is really inferior to the Huaqing Z77 used before, and it is also inexplicably crooked after a period of time!


The quality is really poor. There were a few comments before. They said that the sample pictures had crooked stitches. In fact, it's not that Xiao Bian can't choose pictures. It's Huaqing's board

3 comments 60 likes Published on: February 9, 2015