Comments on Huawei Ascend P7 (P7-L09/Telecom 4G)

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  • cost performance six
  • Performance Configuration eight
  • Battery life eight
  • Appearance and feel ten
  • Photo effect eight
  • Screen effect eight

Start with experience

Most satisfied

If the standby time is long, you can use it for nearly two days if you just call and send messages, but you are used to playing games at least once a day.
Very good design
The night scene shooting effect is medium to high
Smooth speed

Most dissatisfied

The capacity of the phone itself is too small. It's really painful for people who have used the 32G built-in capacity. They need to pay attention to the capacity of the phone at all times
Telecom version cannot add memory card
It's depressing to use nano card for GSM card! Shenzhen Tong, which is used to using mobile, can't be used directly!


The overall experience effect is fairly good. Many people only value the running score but ignore the actual experience. What about Snapdragon 800? It's just like the computer I7 CPU plus a mechanical hard disk is improperly configured,
It is a problem how to heat up and maintain the endurance even if the score exceeds 40000. So it depends on the comprehensive experience. At least I can ignore the fever in the process of using. Of course, I only play small games and large games.

80 comments 401 likes Published on: May 27, 2014