Comments on Jiuzhou Fengshen Ice Blade 200 Double blade Edition

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eight point six
  • cost performance ten
  • Functional features eight
  • Product workmanship eight
  • Appearance design eight

Low price entry level double heat pipe heat dissipation king!

Most satisfied

Two hydraulic bearing fans with the size of 80 × 80 × 25mm, and the maximum speed of the fan is 2200R P.M, During operation, the maximum air volume (CFM) is 22.6, and the noise is only 24.7dB, so the noise can hardly be heard during use (cover the chassis cover). The FIN+FIN process is adopted, and the two 6MM heat pipes CTT direct contact technology can support the heat dissipation of the 95W TDP processor to the maximum. The temperature is kept at 35-43 degrees in standby and 50-60 degrees in full load. The performance is excellent. It is also appropriate to overclock the CPU to 3.0G, Since it is equipped with double fans, it doesn't matter how much heat you feel when you touch the aluminum plate directly with your hands. It's worth 40 yuan to buy, and its cost performance is excellent! The color matching of silver and blue looks beautiful and exquisite~

Most dissatisfied

The aluminum sheet is relatively long, so it is easy to bend. Pay attention when using!
Do not touch the heat pipe, or it will fade! This is a common problem of primary color heat pipe!


In general, this dual fan dual heat pipe radiator is a magic tool in this home! It has brought new life to the master machine. Although the aluminum sheet is relatively loose, its flaws do not outweigh its merits. After all, it is impossible to touch the radiator every day, right?

comment 4 likes Published on: June 20, 2015