Comments on Intel Core i7 4960X

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  • cost performance six
  • Functional features ten
  • Product workmanship ten
  • Appearance design ten

Non mainstream CPU

Most satisfied

Six cores, multithreading technology, high frequency, 22nm. Strong performance. Absolutely good U

Most dissatisfied

1. The price is too high, so it will not become mainstream. It is better to configure two i7 4790k machines at its cost than to configure such a machine
2. If you are playing an ordinary big game, the U of 4790 is absolutely enough. There will be no pressure if drawing. It's better to buy a workstation under pressure
3. The production of the i7 U is currently suspended on a large scale, and the price will definitely drop significantly after the new product comes out.


There's nothing to say about the performance, but it's difficult to become a great player

28 comments 222 likes Published on: August 11, 2014