Comments on Kubi i96T

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The appearance of koobee is OK. When buying,,,, the waiter said that it was a artifact.

Most satisfied

In the future, I suggest you buy other models.. Never buy Kubi.. Who buys who gets trapped...

Most dissatisfied

Extremely low cost performance,,, always having problems,,, Sometimes there is no sound when making phone calls,,, More applications on the machine will be too stuck, sometimes it will crash, although not many.


The appearance is OK. When I bought it, the waiter said it was a magic artifact.
Extremely low cost performance,,, always having problems,,, Sometimes there is no sound when making phone calls,,, More applications on the machine will be too stuck, sometimes it will crash, although not many.
In the future, I suggest you buy other models.. Never buy Kubi.. Who buys who gets trapped...

1 comment 10 likes Published on: November 29, 2013