Comments on Canon iP7280

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The most pitted Canon printer in history, no one!

Most satisfied

An optional WIFI printing function is added

Most dissatisfied

1. The paper tape is serious and cannot be solved, so it must not be used for double-sided printing! Because printing a double-sided tender will make your tender pages disordered and work for nothing. This is bound to happen! If you use premium photo paper of 3 yuan each to print, congratulations on taking about 10 pieces of paper at a time, and you will lose 6 yuan each time!
2. There is no paper feed It is said that the purpose is to prevent repeated confessions. But you should make the lower paper feeding better. Neither of the two paper boxes is easy to use, and all of them are heavily loaded with paper. For advanced photo paper and double-sided printing, only one paper can be put into the paper feeding box at a time, and you dare not put more than one paper into the box. For commercial mass printing, who can turn on and off the paper box at a time?
3. Large volume
4. The noise is too loud.
5. Poor cost performance.


1. The above 1 and 2 shortcomings determine that this is a printer that can only be used for home use, but cannot be used commercially. But the price of 900 yuan, single printing function, huge volume and huge noise are not suitable for home use.
2. This is a product that was hastily launched by a businessman to avoid changing his confession and earn more ink money. Although he refused to say that it was intended to replace 4980, it actually proved that this product was completely a product of irresponsible behind closed doors.
3. As a commercial user, I decided to abandon it after half a month. I bought two more 4980s, and I said responsibly that 10 7280s didn't add up to one 4980.

5 comments 140 likes Published on: 2014-02-12