Nikon D7100 (single machine)

Nikon D7100 (single machine) continuous shooting test

——Parsing 1

The speed of the D7100 is 6 pages per second, and 7 pages per second after 1.3 clipping. Although it is one slower than the D300S, it is still enough.

Full size mode shooting

The tragedy of the D7100 is not speed, but cache. Only the first five RAW+JPG images are high-speed continuous shots, and then the speed slows down. For pure RAW images, six images can be kept. In other words, if you choose lossless format records, the fastest continuous shot speed can only be kept for less than a second. It is obvious that the cache size has affected the performance.

1.3 times clipping mode shooting

In addition, although it becomes slower, it can continue to shoot continuously, but the speed will probably drop to 3-4 pictures per second.

Setting of number of consecutive shots

It is gratifying that there is no problem in JPG recording, and it can always be played to 100, which is the set value.

On the whole, I think this may be the way of Nikon's market grading. After all, one machine is too invincible to sell other machines. But from the perspective of users, I still hope that the cache can be larger. Now it is really not enough.

The following are two sets of continuous shooting and single frame samples, shot in full size and 1.3 cut respectively.

Full size mode shooting

Single frame picture

Single frame picture

1.3 times clipping mode shooting

Single frame picture

Single frame picture

The picture of a single frame is the original picture. You can click to see the larger picture. After several shuttles, you feel that the bite is still very tight. The test uses 70-200mm F4 VR with the maximum aperture.

Nikon D7100 (single machine) continuous shooting test

——Parsing 2

Continuous shooting test

Continuous shooting test environment: all 51 focus points are turned on, the focusing mode is adjusted to AF-C (servo focusing mode), and the 3D tracking mode is turned on to follow the small train in rapid motion. We can see that the performance of both the focusing system and the continuous shooting speed of 7 pictures per second is excellent for such moving themes. The small train can basically focus on the moving target, and can also keep up with the focus very quickly. Moreover, the movement of small trains in the GIF dynamic map can be basically consistent.

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