Comments on Lenovo Y400 Y400N-ISE (H)

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Use Y400 for three-month supplementary evaluation

Most satisfied

Y400 years later, it's almost three months now. I always want to say something when I come to Zhongguancun to see others' comments. Advantages: it is unique and has good performance. I can basically play games with ease. Although the effect of playing WOW is full of meeting cards, it is completely acceptable. It is easy to use for office and household at ordinary times. The effect of watching movies with stereo is good. The cost performance of 4999 is very high, I like this book very much. At least I won't be as upset with it as my last one.

Most dissatisfied

In fact, there are a lot of shortcomings, but I can tolerate it. I can describe it from the most serious to the lightest: 1. I feel my typing speed is OK when I press the button, but I feel uncomfortable when some keys are rustling. I play games with a keyboard attached; 2. If you don't turn off the mouse control panel (I don't know what the profession says), you can't type at all, and even affect your daily use. You must wear a mouse. 3. It's easy to get dirty. Maybe I don't care enough.


Cost effective notebook, game, office and home are absolutely competent. (Comments from Y400 notebook)

1 comment 108 likes Published on: 2014-04-25