Comments on Samsung UA55ES6100

six point four
Comprehensive score
six point two
cost performance
six point nine
six point nine
six point two
tone quality
six point two
six point two
Picture quality
  • Product Comments (16)
  • With figure
  • With video

appearance: eight Picture quality: eight tone quality: eight Function: six System: eight cost performance: six

Most satisfied

Clear picture, atmospheric appearance

Most dissatisfied

Always ask for white screen wireless. I don't know why. I can't get it. I can't turn off the indicator light. I have to unplug the plug to turn it off. 3D is not obvious


Expensive, poor performance

Published on: 10:24, August 12, 2015 35 likes comment

appearance: eight Picture quality: six tone quality: six Function: eight System: eight cost performance: eight

Most satisfied


Most dissatisfied

Watching football has double shadow


Can't sell

Published on: 12:11, January 25, 2015 6 likes comment

appearance: two Picture quality: two tone quality: two Function: two System: two cost performance: two

Most satisfied

Can't even use the projection screen, garbage

Most dissatisfied

The price is a little expensive, the interface is insufficient, the signal is weak, and the appearance is mediocre

Published on: 09:56, January 15, 2019 301 likes 1 comment

Most satisfied

Good 3d effect, good picture. This is necessary. After all, TV has developed for so many years

Most dissatisfied

I bought it for his function of watching videos online, but I didn't want it. Samsung is innovative and worthy of praise, but it is wrong to treat our consumers as mice, and the price is expensive


The Internet is really as immature as the mobile phone that was able to access the Internet a long time ago. Its image is clear and 3D is also good. But I can't watch the HD on I registered a member but didn't have an advertisement. Because there was an advertisement that couldn't be placed, I was stuck there. I saw the Qiyi 1080p member area and the effect was very good. But I was disappointed that it could only be seen for less than 10 minutes. He told the browser whether to reload due to insufficient memory or unknown reasons. I think it is really caused by insufficient memory, because those short videos or standard definition videos do not need so much memory, so I can play them

Published at: 04:20, January 24, 2013 75 likes 1 comment

Most satisfied

Samsung's screen is OK, I don't think it has any advantages.

Most dissatisfied

The Internet function is nothing but a chicken's ribs. The card is killing me. All videos like Youku with advertisements can't be released. They may be related to the Flash plug-in. I don't know how to upgrade them, nor can I understand after sales. The so-called intelligence is just adding some early computer functions,
Just like the product of 586 WINDOWS95. We should expect to buy such a TV after the technology is mature and improved.
Advertising is exaggeration.


Smart horse? It's like a fake mobile phone. Now it's just a single core.

Published on: 09:04, August 3, 2012 58 likes comment

Most satisfied

Fairly good appearance

Most dissatisfied

1: The installer was terrible. He insisted that there was no wireless Internet access function. Of course, many functions were not tried.
2: Bespoke cannot be opened, and the browser cannot be opened. Only a few text news can be viewed. I wanted to watch the online news while exercising (running, etc.) after I bought it.
3: The customer service 400 didn't respond.
4: As soon as the machine was closed, I regretted it.


Buying this TV set affects my health: A is angry, B is depressed, C will spend a lot of youth time studying this machine, D estimates that it may be smashed directly after two years of watching it, and if the wife can't bear it, she will give it away.

Published on: 06:30, April 30, 2012 55 likes 3 comments

Most satisfied

Large screen, clear, good color, sound quality in the "standard" application equalizer to raise the high-frequency and low-frequency can have a good sound quality. 3D is super cool. USB basically supports video playback in most formats, which is better than Sony's.

Most dissatisfied

There is no main switch of power supply, and the sound noise is obvious when playing Bestway movies.


The price is cheap and the quality is good. It may not be available after a while. Then change the style and add some gesture control. It will sell at a high price. Foreign brands are like mobile phone manufacturers.

Published on: 12:11, November 2, 2012 33 likes comment

Most satisfied

Thanks to the previous online shopping war, it happened that the living room of the family changed the TV. After watching Sony and Samsung, they finally decided to choose Samsung. Let's talk about the advantages. Personally, I prefer to play games. It's no problem to play PS3. HD is cool. It's OK to watch the non HD set-top box at home. It doesn't feel like all the characters are mosaics. There is no pressure on the USB interface to watch the video screen. It's really good to check the USB drive and find some favorite movies.

Most dissatisfied

I haven't found it for the time being. Suddenly, I found that the 55 inch one is not big enough. Hehe, it should be 60 inch one. Those online functions are a bit weak


A TV worth buying

Published on: 02:49, September 13, 2012 24 likes 1 comment

Most satisfied

The TV is home, and the effect is very good. You can directly convert TV programs to 3D. There is a feeling of 3D, but it is not as effective as a special 3D film. But the sense of hierarchy in watching ordinary TV 3D has come out.

Most dissatisfied

There seems to be a problem when connecting to the wireless network


Very good, very powerful.

Published on: 08:12, April 27, 2012 17 likes 4 comments

Most satisfied

The appearance looks like a flat plate, and the frame is narrow and atmospheric;
The brightness and contrast are not bad. When the computer displays one of my snowy desktop, the light in the living room doesn't need to be turned on;
The supported file formats are rich, and there is no format that cannot be played directly, but there is a resolution limit;
3d glasses are relatively light, the quotation is more than 100, which is relatively cheap;

Most dissatisfied

There are ghosts in the 3D display, which cannot be seen when the picture is bright. When the background is very dark, two shadows can be clearly seen, which is only darker than seeing without glasses. This seriously affects the 3D effect. It is also difficult for the eyes to focus, and it is very tired after watching for a long time. It is suspected that the ghost left by the LCD panel is not fast enough
The resolution of USB playing files cannot exceed 1920 * 1080, which makes it impossible to play 3D movies with full left and right width and full top and bottom height directly. Instead, it can only play the left and right half width and top and bottom half height with the resolution halved, losing the advantage of shutter 3D display that does not lose resolution. I knew it would be better to buy polarized video;
The interface does not have a vga interface, which is inconvenient to connect to an old computer;
There is a slight light leak, but it depends on the viewing angle. If the distance is close, people on the left can see the light leak on the right side of the screen. On the contrary, people on the right can not see the light leak when the distance is more than 4 meters from the screen;
It is not a real smart TV. Other functions are very poor. Wifi is basically useless;


It's good to use it as a pure display and a giant mp4. Don't use it as a 3D TV or a smart TV. The 3D effect is so disgusting. Some people now regret not buying a plasma TV, although they should pay attention to the anti burning screen when using it.

Published on: 04:55, February 6, 2013 12 likes 3 comments

Most satisfied

Beautiful appearance, intelligent system, can watch movies online

Most dissatisfied

No built-in camera


The price is average, but there are many functions, and the 3D effect is also very good

Published on: 10:19, June 20, 2013 7 likes comment

It's OK to save 2000+3D effects than buying in the local mall. I don't really watch the power supply of 3D movie source, but I watch 2D to 3D. I should know Samsung's clarity and color

Published on: 06:05, May 30, 2014 1 likes comment

The appearance is beautiful, the image is clear, and it is just right to hang it in the bedroom. It is just that the update of BesTV's movies is too slow.

Published on: 06:13, May 30, 2014 fabulous comment

Clear picture! Very good quality! Like one!

Published on: 06:03, May 30, 2014 fabulous comment

Very good, the 3D effect is good, and you can also connect to the Internet via WIFI. It's very convenient, but a little expensive.

Published on: 06:00, May 30, 2014 fabulous 1 comment

They kept restarting, but they couldn't fix it. Maintenance prices are high. Do you search online? It turns out that Samsung TV has such a high failure rate

Published on: 01:28, July 18, 2016 fabulous comment

Samsung UA55ES6100

Reference quotation: ¥8300
16 word-of-mouth scores Rating: 6.4 points
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