Comments on Xingu Renota T1

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The heat dissipation performance is excellent, and the appearance is extremely aggressive. Such a chassis, at such a price, is really worth it.

Most satisfied

There is nothing to say about the quality of the steel plate. I was shocked when I just bought it. The 230MM width is more than enough for my D14. The whole tower chassis supports EATX super large boards, 9 PCIE slots, and has strong expansion. Large space, with enough space. It can easily accommodate large motherboards and graphics cards. Use good materials and make full use of space. The distribution is reasonable. Good heat dissipation, enough fans to ensure strong heat dissipation, multiple dust-proof design, intelligent, USB3.0, intelligent memory fan speed.

Most dissatisfied

However, the penetration measurement design is still lacking. Half of the inverted L-shaped design can only see the hard disk cage, and the paint is easy to fall off. The space for wiring on the backplane is slightly smaller, and it is best to expand it to 5cm. But overall, it was very good


Xingu can only say that the boards are improving and thickening, and the workmanship is really like a toy. In addition to being big, if you like it, it is also a decoration at home. If you like a big and stylish one -------- If you don't have the idea of making a case, you'd better not make a case, but you will definitely be respected. The plastic feeling is sufficient. The set-top fan screw hole absolutely tests your IQ. The fan is almost made of M4 screws. It has an M3. Other places are indeed M4. From the details, we can see that the IQ of Xingu people is not high.

comment 5 likes Published on: May 29, 2013