Comments on Onda A88G+/128M Magu Edition (ver2.00)

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It has been used for eight years. On average, the machine starts 12 hours a day. No overclocking, no checking. I couldn't play at that time. It was only in 2016 that I remembered to upgrade the configuration. Find an X4 945 to light up. Perfect use for one year. The board is old. What does the old Didi show

Published on: 01:30, July 15, 2017 18 likes 2 comments

The motherboard is very powerful. I tried the best speed car 14 without any pressure. The seller was very good.

Published on: 05:30, July 30, 2014 1 likes comment

It's a bit old. There is thermal conductive silicone grease in video memory. It has been used for a long time. Fortunately, the motherboard lights up at one time

Published on: 04:40, July 30, 2014 fabulous 1 comment

Most satisfied

All solid state with on-board video memory.

Most dissatisfied

It's too fake. The on-board video memory is detected by tools at 1066 frequency. However, the DDR3 memory bought now is 1333. Once the system memory is shared as video memory, the frequency can only be reduced by 1066. The 1333 can only be restored unless the on-board video memory is turned off. What's the meaning of on-board video storage? Search on the Internet for "Onda A88G/128M Adjust Onboard Video Memory", and more than 100 results are all advertisements, all of which clearly write the sentence "and add direct adjustment of onboard video memory frequency in BIOS settings", but there is no such item as adjusting video memory frequency in bios. The manual is as simple as the package of pirated discs. Nothing was written clearly. Update the bios on the official website This website is not as exquisite as the homepage of private primary schools. Now I feel cheated. This brand is too fake. It is typical to spend energy on advertising everywhere, while ignoring the quality of the product itself. It's said everywhere that you can adjust the memory frequency. Do you really add this to the bios? And the motherboard also turns off the on-board video memory by default. Since the tape blowing video memory is turned off by default every day, why?


Many other brands of all solid state on-board video memory have also lowered the price. So the cost performance of this board is not particularly outstanding. I suggest you look at other brands. Anyway, I think this brand is too fake and unreliable. I won't buy Onda's products in the future. I would rather find an advertisement with fewer advertisements and more exquisite products.

Published on: 12:59, December 17, 2010 49 likes 3 comments

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Used 880GS/128 Magu, and planned to use 880GT/128 Magu. On the whole, it's pretty good. When using HDMI, you have to jump to line 23, but it's not tested

Most dissatisfied

HDMI cannot be automatic, and manual jumper is required (it is nothing for DIY)


Can be used, but can be used if the budget is small

Published on: 10:16, February 21, 2011 21 likes comment

Most satisfied

All solid state power supply. At least I have used it for almost a year without unstable power supply. My own video card is enough for playing ordinary games. Later, I replaced the display. Up to now, there is no blue screen on the 4G memory on the. It looks OK. The bios comes in Chinese, but the built-in bios does not support centralized display overclocking. The overclocking mentioned on the Internet may not be this version. One version is all the memory of the previous three generations. I bought the one with sockets in the second and third generations

Most dissatisfied

I can't say the disadvantages. It's just good to use it stably. Electronic products depend on luck, others' bad, my good, my bad, others' good, can't be too extreme


At that time, the cost performance of the purchase was fairly good, but now I don't know.

Published at: 03:12, October 26, 2011 14 likes 1 comment

Most satisfied

Cheap, super value, low temperature, and lower cpu temperature than the old motherboard

Most dissatisfied

The board is too small. Installing a separate graphics card CPU, I want to use a better heat sink. The three standard versions are compact. My gts250 can't dissipate heat. The PCI slot is completely blocked by the graphics card. Now the CPU heat sink and the graphics card are crowded together


The quality and performance of the board are really good, but the small board design is a bit regrettable. It is not recommended to consider small boards for independent graphics cards

Published on: 11:01, October 15, 2010 11 likes comment

Most satisfied


Most dissatisfied

High temperature. Serious smuggled goods


I bought 15 pieces of A88GS 128 on March 3, and now two pieces have problems. One piece cannot be started, and the other piece of Nanqiao is burned out. In addition, almost all of them have blue screens. The display is incompatible with the USB drive, but I use Gigabyte's motherboard without such a problem. How can the same system be blue when I get to Onda? It only shows that the technology content is very low-end, I am really dumb and eat coptis. I have words of suffering. I hope you should be careful when choosing Onda's motherboard. You'd better not choose

Published on: 11:20, March 23, 2011 10 likes 3 comments

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Cheap, with on-board video memory (just bought it back, but it hasn't been found out yet)

Most dissatisfied

I didn't know what the problem was. The first three days were normal. By the fourth night, I had died twice in an hour. I was Crazy. I think it was the problem of the board. There was no independent video card. The live broadcast effect of the amd445 is not good.


In a word, I don't know what to say. I hope to find out the real reason, not the board.

Published on: 04:38, November 26, 2010 11 likes 1 comment

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I didn't find that stable operation is the advantage. No matter what materials are used, the automatic overclocking in BOIS is convenient, but I don't need to press like that...

Most dissatisfied

The centralized display is very ineffective, and it is easy to appear blue screen, but it does not appear again after adding the independent display, but sometimes it will fake death when opening the web page, and it will be stuck for a long time, 4G memory. The network card is also very weak. Even the 4-pin route management page cannot be accessed. The 8-pin route can only be accessed. The data of network neighbors can be copied very slowly, and a 100M network card is added. I don't know what the advantages of that board are.. Feeling cheated,


Not worth buying

Published on: 10:52, March 6, 2012 10 likes 1 comment

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If 880g Magu doesn't have 128m video memory, I don't know how this video memory is

Most dissatisfied

The board is small and others haven't been found


I don't know if I can reach 955 No

Published on: 04:27, December 7, 2011 10 likes comment

Most satisfied

480 Get started

Most dissatisfied

It's not very good to watch movie pictures.


The quality is OK. The graphics card is not good

Published on: 04:34, December 12, 2010 1 likes 3 comments

Most satisfied

Good 890GX, on-board 128M video memory, all solid state, twice copper

Most dissatisfied

No obvious shortcomings


A89GT/128M Magu uses the 890GX SB850 solution, so its support for the full range of AM3 interface processors is perfect

Published on: 04:53, October 9, 2010 9 likes 2 comments

Most satisfied

Onda has come out of the motherboard again. The advantage is that the price is low. The more it is done, the better it looks. It saves money. 499 is lethal! It seems that the core can also be opened~it seems that the low-end can be used Hehehehe

Most dissatisfied

There are many disadvantages. In terms of power supply, the power supply of 3+1 is relatively weak~the middle and low end can cope with~it seems that it is not all solid state capacitor Some rubbish! However, it seems that a solid-state capacitor board with the same price will be produced soon. However, it is not recommended at the high end. What is said about overclocking is very good~you will know that it is really garbage when you buy it~overclocking is definitely not good! In terms of workmanship and materials, it's OK~just so so. I'll sell the price


DIY players are not recommended to choose this board~it is suitable for poor players with ultra-low budget. I think it is better to choose some first-line~second-line good boards

Published on: 11:27, May 18, 2010 4 likes 2 comments

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Low end users' preferred set display is very powerful

Most dissatisfied

When the temperature is low, the display does not light up when the machine starts cold. Do I need to restart it to light it up


The board has been replaced

Published on: 07:38, January 19, 2013 3 likes comment

Most satisfied

I bought this board because I liked its cheapness. After I bought it, I found that WOW, DNF and DOTA were not as good as Duxian. The temperature was always within 30, which was very good compared with this price.

Most dissatisfied

I haven't found it yet


Play general games, low budget first choice.

Published on: 12:47, November 28, 2012 2 likes comment

Most satisfied

I have used AMD445 open core 4G memory with Dylan 6770 graphics card power supply for more than a year. Antec VP450
There has never been a problem. There has never been a blue screen or a crash. The game is very stable. There is no problem at all. The channel 3.4G is not in. It's really good and solid motherboard recommendation!

Most dissatisfied

Not yet!



Published on: 09:11, August 1, 2012 1 likes comment

Most satisfied

The price is relatively cheap. The workmanship is reasonable. After all, the price is there. I bought 5 or 6 pieces of 785G 128 Mendi version before. It has always been very good. There was no problem. I chose the 880GT for my own use. Later, the DVI interface broke, and I replaced an 880GS. It has been used for almost a year. It's very good. It's very convenient to open the core. No need to brush the BIOS. The CPU Speedron 2 X3 440 stably opens four cores, which is good. The temperature is not as scary as what was said upstairs. The maximum temperature is about 30 degrees.

Most dissatisfied

Jixian is not very powerful. Ha ha, this is not a disadvantage, after all, the price.


Civilian price, you deserve it

Published on: 06:16, August 30, 2011 1 likes comment

Most satisfied

The open core operation is simple, supports various series of AMD processors, has relatively rich overclocking options, and supports intelligent overclocking. Simple and practical workmanship.

Most dissatisfied

Small board. Inserting a dual slot video card will cover the CMOS reset jumper. The keyboard boot jumper cap is hard to operate in the corner. There are too few functional jumpers, so it should be called "optional"; When working, the north bridge radiator is hot; No USB3.0....


I bought Onda again because of the 785g magic flute. This 880gs magic flute makes my heart a little cold. It's too simple. Maybe it's the difference between gs and gt. As a new product, it is not powerful enough.

Published on: 10:53, June 29, 2011 1 likes comment

Most satisfied

How to check this? Is there a more detailed tutorial? Thank you

Most dissatisfied

There are too few things online


I don't know how to open it after buying it

Published at: 08:05, March 17, 2011 1 likes 2 comments
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