Canon 600D (single machine) evaluation market

Canon 600D (stand-alone) video test

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Canon 600D full HD video screenshot Click to download the video


Canon 600D full HD video screenshot Click to download the video

Canon 600D can not only take pictures with good quality, but also support shooting 1080 25p full HD video (25p for PLA video format and 30p for NTSC video format). With the imaging advantages of large size sensors, the video taken by this machine has excellent quality, and the charming shallow depth of field effect also leaves all DVs behind. However, Canon 600D shooting video has two obvious shortcomings. The first is that the video size is huge, which takes up a lot of storage space; The second is that auto focus is not available during shooting, which is not convenient to use. I hope that future models can make progress in these two aspects.

Canon 600D (stand-alone) video test

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Canon 600D video supports 1920 × 1080P 30fps full HD video, and can support up to 60fps under the 720P specification, which is suitable for shooting moving objects. Nowadays, even entry-level SLRs can support full HD video recording, and the performance specifications are not inferior to low-end DVs, which can only make people sigh that the development of images is too fast.

Let's first take a look at the video menu interface of 600D shown in the figure above. First, 600D video can support full manual mode. Aperture and shutter can be changed directly during the recording process (cannot be changed in ISO video). Focus mode and key function can be set, and highlight tone priority can still be turned on in the recording mode, If you feel that the optical zoom is not enough, you can also turn on the 3-10x digital zoom (you need to enable the digital zoom function before you start recording). In addition, you can also use the automatic brightness optimization and photo style options in the recording mode.

Canon 600D (stand-alone) video test

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The EOS 600D still supports 1080P HD video, which is no different from the EOS 550D. But unfortunately, so far, the high-definition video of Canon SLR cannot achieve continuous automatic focusing, and it must be manually - or manually rotate the focusing ring, so that the focusing noise can not be recorded; Or it can only be set to focus once by pressing the shutter once, so that the noise of lens focusing will be recorded in the video. In short, the EOS 600D video focusing is quite inconvenient for ordinary users.

Video snapshot function can be enabled in video mode  

However, the short film shooting ability of this machine has been improved a bit, that is, the digital cutting has been improved from the previous 7-x zoom to a choice of 3, 7, and 10 times.

In the video snapshot interface, when each clip is shot, the camera will prompt you whether you want to put this video into the video set, so that the camera can automatically generate a video file for all video snapshots, so that you do not need to edit later.

However, in addition to this, the EOS 600D has also added a "video snapshot" function. Users who have played Canon DV will know that Canon DV has a "video snapshot" function. This function allows users to choose to shoot 2s, 4s and 8s at a time, and then the camera will automatically splice these fragmented video clips.

EOS 600D video snapshot effect  

I tried it personally, and it is very convenient to use. Especially for users who do not understand or have no time for post editing, this function is very useful. In addition, we purposely shot many videos in low light environment. It can be seen that the picture quality of the EOS 600D when shooting videos in low light environment is very good. But the zoom is not smooth and the auto focus is troublesome.

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