Comments on Blue Devil W7 (8GB)

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A machine that shocked me

Most satisfied

This machine is really shocking. It has no advantages other than thin.

Most dissatisfied

1: The workmanship is bleak, and the standard cottage itouch
2: Compared with the Meizu M8 in my hand, the screen fineness is a little low, and the capacitance screen is a wool, so the garbage development ability still uses capacitance? My blue magic T11TE, the system response is extremely slow, greasy screen, and the number of BUGs is countless...
3: The system is very unstable, and the old Android is used
4: I didn't buy the battery. I just played with it and didn't buy it. So I don't know. It's said to be very sad


After all, I didn't buy anything. Blue Devil's things are more garbage than ever. Except for the first T11RK, which is good, later things can only be described as garbage.

1 comment 39 likes Published on: September 17, 2010