OPPO K12 (12GB/512GB) Comment

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six point eight
  • cost performance eight
  • Performance Configuration four
  • Battery life eight
  • Appearance and feel six
  • Photo effect eight

The 12+512 from 2499 is fairly cost-effective. Performance configuration, average. Battery life, do not play at ordinary times

Most satisfied

The 12+512 from 2499 is fairly cost-effective. Performance configuration, average. The battery has a long life. It doesn't play games or play videos at ordinary times. There is still 60% electricity in one day. Anyway, it is recharged every night. The screen effect and display are OK, there is no high requirement.

Most dissatisfied

The touch screen doesn't feel good. It's not as good as my reno2 more than three years ago. It returns from the bottom to the top, and sometimes it needs several strokes. Scribe up to clear the running program. It will always open the program directly above.
As for the running speed, it is almost as fast as my reno2 more than three years ago.
I regret buying this K series.

comment 1 likes Published on: 2024-05-11