Comments on Xiaomi 14 (16GB+1TB/Limited Edition)

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seven point two
  • cost performance eight
  • Performance Configuration eight
  • Battery life ten
  • Appearance and feel two
  • Photo effect eight

It's a bit exaggerated. The overall texture is really not good. It changed hands in a few days! If it weren't for the small screen, I wouldn't have started it. The endurance and performance are not good

Most satisfied

It's a bit exaggerated. The overall texture is really not good. It changed hands in a few days! If it weren't for the small screen, I wouldn't have started it. Very good battery life and performance

Most dissatisfied

In fact, the hand feel is just so so. The camera is a bit protruding, the screen is not delicate enough, and the external display is also very ordinary! Playing king is not very heavy, and the gap is not so big!

1 comment 1 likes Published on: 2023-11-04