Comments on Huiwei M60-5.1

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Average cost performance

Most satisfied

A friend bought it. I went to listen to it a few days ago. I was playing with the audiophile, so I want to say something.
Personally, I feel that if I don't have too high requirements, I can speak both high and low. If I have high requirements, I can speak another way. The treble is not harsh, the midrange is moderate, and the bass is reasonable. It is not very surging, but also good in many multimedia speakers.

Most dissatisfied

The price is too high to be worth it.


Personally, I don't think it's cost-effective. After all, multimedia speakers are inherently violent. It's OK to buy a convenient and economical picture. It doesn't need to be more serious.

comment 75 likes Published on: 2012-02-09