Comments on Huawei smart screen V75 3rd generation

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  • cost performance ten
  • Number of interfaces eight
  • Appearance design ten
  • Sound quality effect eight
  • Features ten
  • Picture quality effect eight

The sound effect of Huawei's smart screen should be very good this time

Most satisfied

There are 6 full frequency speakers+2 tweeters+1 bass speaker+1 pair of passive radiators, a total of more than a dozen speakers. This sound effect must be great to watch movies. Plus, some new features that TV manufacturers didn't have before. I'm really looking forward to it!

Most dissatisfied

No, The only disadvantage may be limited purchasing power


This time, Huawei held a press conference in Germany, which was very good. It proved that Chinese enterprises are also strong when Chinese products go abroad and go to the world. support!

comment 65 likes Published on: September 19, 2019