Comments on Snowder E700

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nine point eight branch
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Always considering losing weight, but overweight
I've been running fitness cards everywhere, but I'm always too lazy to go
Finally, I chose to move the ellipsometer home
I watched various reviews online, and finally chose this 700s from Decathlon and this
The color screen is very easy to use, the linkage is very intelligent, the functions are very complete, multiple resistance modes can be adjusted, and the step distance is very comfortable, whether my wife is 170 or I am 185, it is very comfortable to use. If it takes up space, it can be put away, which is very convenient
In addition, I would like to thank the installation master for his hard work. The master contacted me one day in advance and said that he would contact me before coming the next day. The next day when he came, my elevator was repaired and his phone was dead. Then he climbed up the 17th floor and knocked on the door... What a hard and honest worker.

Published on: 09:11, July 14, 2021 1 likes comment

During use, the sound of indoor exercise is low, which is generally suitable for regular and moderate exercise
Sound size: smaller

Published on: 10:04, November 22, 2020 1 likes comment

Very good, the seller's service is great!
Now we start to exercise every day. It is recommended to buy an adjustable slope one step at a time without regret.
The machine looks very high, but in fact it is not too long. Generally, family fitness is enough. I think the cost performance of this price is quite good. There are more than 3000 other high-end machines, so it is very good to buy a machine.
The installation was done by myself. I didn't ask the installation master to promise me to give me a red envelope. So far, they haven't given me a red envelope.

Published on: 05:52, March 19, 2020 1 likes comment

It's about that there is no after-sales delay. I have to install the plastic cushion myself. After two or three days of use, there will be friction and abnormal noise. Heart rate is basically a decoration

Published on: 07:30, March 9, 2020 1 likes comment

It took three hours for a person to complete the installation. I have to say that as a domestic product, this assembly manual has been done well, without ambiguity and wrong steps, and the pictures can match one by one, OK. Especially for parts packaging, the cardboard plastic suction method is used, and the marks are very clear, obviously with the heart. Try it out. I feel that I can meet the needs, and I can exercise all over the body. The amount of exercise is not small, and the stride length is also appropriate.

Published on: February 10, 2020 01:27 1 likes comment

The quality is pretty good. It's a little wobbly to use. After using it for a long time, there are often various noises. However, it will be better if you tighten the screws and apply some oil.
It is seriously doubted that the panel data is inaccurate. It only takes 3 minutes and 40 seconds for 1 km? 5 km 20 minutes 30 seconds? Absolutely impossible, I have never run such an excellent record.
Gradient and resistance adjustment are not used for the time being. 0 gradient and 1 resistance are enough for the time being..

Published at: 01:35, January 24, 2020 1 likes comment

The first time I put my left foot on it, it creaked. The master came to repair it. There was also a response in the evaluation. Unfortunately, it fell on my head. My friends need to be careful when buying

Published on: 10:43, August 25, 2019 1 likes comment

There is obvious shaking when stepping on it. After all, the structure here is certainly not as stable as the large elliptical machine. The noise is not too loud. It's better not to install the fan on the head. After sales response was very slow, it took several days to install it. The installation has not been completed yet, and the foot screw has not been tightened. I have observed for several days to determine that it is a foot problem, but I have not been able to solve it after urging the after-sales service. It was only because I found the tool and tightened the screw that the abnormal noise disappeared. In short, the machine itself should be OK. After sales is about 0

Published on: 08:49, August 3, 2022 fabulous comment

It has been used for some time. It's very good and doesn't hurt your knee. If you want, please take it home as soon as possible

Published on: 08:24, July 9, 2022 fabulous comment

The size is suitable for the balcony. The sound of exercise is very low, and it will not disturb the neighbors. The exercise adjustment is also very convenient. The exercise is smooth and stable, and there is no lactic acid pain caused by running. It is a very satisfactory exercise tool!

Published on: 11:41, July 1, 2022 fabulous comment

The call cost is one or two hours, and I settled it in advance! At present, the use experience is good, at least no noise!

Published at: 03:26, April 24, 2022 fabulous comment

I bought it on the 12th day of the 12th lunar calendar. I compared a lot of models. It's a good cost performance.

Published on: 05:39, December 22, 2021 fabulous comment

There are a lot of missing parts. It took a long time to install them. I hope we can strengthen the acceptance before delivery

Published on: 06:53, November 21, 2021 fabulous comment

It is quiet and can be locked by one button to prevent the baby from touching by mistake

Published on: 12:54, September 11, 2021 fabulous comment

Good choice for fitness!
Floor space: less
Packaging appearance: well packaged
Sound size: mute

Published on: 10:34, May 20, 2021 fabulous comment

I bought it for children's fitness+weight loss. The mute effect is good, but it's a little big

Published on: 10:41, May 6, 2021 fabulous comment

I used to buy a Merrick, but I couldn't push it on, so I returned it. This one feels good when exercising, but it doesn't have a USB interface, which is a pity.

Published on: 09:58, May 3, 2021 fabulous comment

It looks very tall, but in fact it doesn't take up much space. My husband likes it very much. He basically steps for half an hour every day. The large stride distance is very suitable for his long legs.

Published on: 11:09, May 3, 2021 fabulous comment

Active movement with controllable intensity. The motion mode of the elliptical machine is a little similar to that of the dynamic bicycle, which is to step on one foot to move, step on two feet to turn a circle. The machine moves with the feet, and the speed and rhythm of stepping can be arbitrary. In addition, most elliptical machines use magnetic control devices to adjust the flywheel resistance. The lowest gear is equal to the flywheel idling, and the highest gear is "hard to walk". The electromagnetic controlled models can achieve customized movement programs, which are very comfortable and convenient to use.

Published on: 11:43, April 9, 2021 fabulous comment

No noise, good exercise effect, good quality, recommended to start. It's just that the coupon changed from 300 last week to 400. It's a bit lost

Published on: 09:38, April 2, 2021 fabulous comment
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Snowder E700

Reference quotation: ¥3599
143 word-of-mouth scores Rating: 9.8 points
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