Comments on Huawei smart screen V75 2021

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four point six
  • cost performance two
  • Number of interfaces two
  • Appearance design six
  • Sound quality effect six
  • Features six
  • Picture quality effect six

The price of 5500 is too expensive. Compared with the price increase of the first generation and the second generation of 65 inches, the price of 55 inches

Most satisfied

The price of 5500 is too expensive. Compared with the price increase of the first generation and the second generation of 65 inches, the price of 55 inches is too high this time, and the configuration is the lowest. There is no cost performance.

Most dissatisfied

The price of 5500 is too expensive. Compared with the price increase of the first generation and the second generation of 65 inches, the price of 55 inches is too high this time, and the configuration is the lowest. There is no cost performance. cost performance

comment 100 likes Published on: 2021-04-14