Comments on Thunderbird 55R645C

Comprehensive score
eight point six branch
  • Product Comments (693)
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It's clear enough. It's my favorite look. It matches our family background very well

Published on: February 28, 2022 01:22 fabulous comment

I received it and it is intact. The TV is very large and the picture quality and sound quality are very good

Published on: 10:37, February 28, 2022 fabulous comment

Appearance: very narrow border
Running speed: smooth without advertisement
Function effect: 2.1 interface

Published on: 11:08, February 27, 2022 fabulous comment

Appearance: good appearance, thin frame, metallic texture. Very classy.

Running speed: The built-in system runs very fast.

Screen sound effect: colorful, now you can watch 4K video, great, the color is also very good from the side, and the sound effect is also very good.

Published on: 08:11, February 27, 2022 fabulous comment

Overall, not bad. It has a beautiful voice and enough brightness. Some apps are troublesome to install

Published at 01:19, February 27, 2022 fabulous comment

Very satisfied

Published on: 10:52, February 26, 2022 fabulous comment

It's really easy to use, okay!

Published on: February 26, 2022 01:27 fabulous comment

The 55 inch Samsung was smashed by children before. I thought the size of 55 was too small. Let's change it. I wanted to buy Sony 90j, but my wife said that it would be better to buy a domestic one, in case my child broke it again, so reasonable!! Try one with the highest configuration in the same price range. I haven't tried Thunderbird before, and I don't know how TCL TV works. I don't like the system that comes with the TV. Maybe because I'm not used to the operation, the TV is green, and I need to adjust the white balance and the Gamma color. Can basically tune out normal colors, no problem.
Then I moved all the hosts upstairs, so I can't waste the 4k120hz function. Otherwise, what can I do with it? I don't think it's inappropriate at present. Let's take a look at it for a while, and review it later if there is any problem

Published at 05:14, February 25, 2022 fabulous comment

Comfortable, very good color

Published on: 04:50 February 22, 2022 fabulous comment

Size: just right, moderate distance
Screen sound effect: high screen quality, dynamic without shadow

Published on: 11:52, February 22, 2022 fabulous comment

On the whole, it's OK, but the color is a little strong

Published on: 04:07, February 20, 2022 fabulous comment

Very satisfied with the TV
Running speed: very smooth
Screen sound effect: great effect

Published at 07:17, February 19, 2022 fabulous comment

It was a few days late when I went home for the Spring Festival! Let's evaluate it now! This TV is really worth it! The indicators are unexpectedly good, which should be said to be the most valuable mini led within * yuan. The color is very pleasing! The configuration is very high, and the built-in software runs smoothly! You can also install other apps yourself. Can my old box retire?

Published on: 01:39, February 19, 2022 fabulous comment

The TV is just the right size, and the viewing effect is also good

Published on: 11:58, February 17, 2022 fabulous comment

Good, very clear
Running speed: very fast

Published on: 10:24, February 16, 2022 fabulous comment

Very cost-effective, very strong configuration. Dolby Vision Dolby Sound Effect, HDMI2.1, what's not satisfied with this price? My daughter-in-law said that she had never seen such a clear TV. During the Spring Festival Gala on 4k channel and watching movies on double Dolby, she was very satisfied.

Published on: 10:46, February 14, 2022 fabulous comment

Cost effective choice, very good

Published at 01:11, February 13, 2022 fabulous comment

The TV is OK. It took a bit of effort to install third-party software!

Published at: 01:08, February 13, 2022 fabulous comment

The picture is clear and the size is large enough

Published on: 10:18, February 12, 2022 fabulous comment

75 inches is very big, and it looks great.
The system runs very fast and does not jam at all.
The animation playing PS5 has great realistic effects.

Published on: 10:01, February 12, 2022 fabulous comment
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Thunderbird 55R645C

Reference quotation: ¥4499
693 word-of-mouth scores Rating: 8.6 points
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