Glory smart screen X1 75 inch comment

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eight point four
  • cost performance eight
  • Number of interfaces six
  • Appearance design eight
  • Sound quality effect eight
  • Features ten
  • Picture quality effect ten

Smart screen is really more convenient than ordinary TV

Most satisfied

The product appearance design and screen quality are similar to those of many brand TVs, and there is no big advantage in size, but the system is really good, and it is very comfortable to interact with mobile phones. I bought Huawei's mobile phone. I suggest starting with it

Most dissatisfied

The size of the product is not really big enough. I think the cost performance can be higher


In general, the product strength is good. Huawei is a big brand and trustworthy. I plan to use it for four or five years. I hope it can be of the same quality

comment 174 likes Published on: May 21, 2020